As part of the move to UNSW, a 10 month computational postdoc position is available in the lab. The position is not attached to a specific grant and thus the research focus of the position is flexible and open for negotiation. It will, however, be something related to the lab’s primary research focus of computational Short Linear Motif (SLiM) discovery.
Possible projects include (but are not limited to): molecular mimicry by viral or bacterial pathogens; the role of SLiMs in cancer; interrogating protein-protein interaction networks to predict SLiM function; SLiM prediction database/visualisation development. For more on the research of the lab, please visit my old University of Southampton and/or new UNSW pages or email for more information.
Short-listing will (probably!) begin on 1/12/13 but applications are welcome until the position is filled. To apply, or find out more, please email a copy of your CV and your research interests. Candidate should have good computational skills. Start date is flexible but likely to be around January 2014.